Your payment may be declined due to insufficient funds or an error with your card issuer.
💡 Also, if you use paycheque deduction as your payment method, you should know that this option can be disabled. If it’s no longer available for you, the charge will fail and your plan can be cancelled.
To prevent your payment from being declined, follow these tips:
- Available credit and balance: Make sure your credit card has enough available credit or your bank account has sufficient funds. If not, the charge won’t go through.
- Paycheque deduction: If paycheque deduction is no longer available, add another valid payment method to keep your plan active.
- Issues with the card issuer: If you have enough credit or funds and the charge is still not approved, contact your card issuer to identify the problem.
- Virtual cards: Avoid using temporary virtual cards to ensure your recurring plan payments go through smoothly.
Important note
If you have an active plan and the payment fails on the billing date, we’ll make some additional attempts. If all attempts fail, your plan will be cancelled, and you’ll receive an email notification.