If you are unable to book a class, please check if:
It’s your first visit.
In some gyms or studios, pre-registration is required for the booking to be available in the Wellhub app. To do it, contact the gym or studio you wish to visit.
You have reached your check-in limit.
Depending on the category of the class you wish to attend, there may be a daily, weekly or monthly usage limit. Monthly check-ins reset on the 1st of every month.
📌 To see how many check-ins you have left, go to the Check-in tab and tap the history icon.
You’ve lost the ability to book classes for the month.
If you cancel a class after the cancellation window or forget to check in 4 times in a month, you won’t be able to book any more sessions until the last day of the month. Find out more in this article.
💡 If you’re trying to book via a specific gym’s page and can’t see all the available classes, scroll down until the calendar is at the top of the page.