When navigating through Welhub for Companies, the benefit management platform, you’ll find terms related to Employees, Wellhub benefit usage, Company subscription, Benefit management, Invoices, Payments & Billing. Here, you can check what each of these terms means.
Definition |
Eligible employees |
They are all the company’s employees that will be able to access the Wellhub benefit. To be eligible for the benefit, an employee must be in the company’s employee list on Wellhub for Companies.
📌 Employees removed from the list will no longer be eligible.
Members |
In Wellhub for Companies, members will be counted as every eligible employee who has created an account, but still doesn’t have a subscription.
Subscribers |
Employees and family members who have subscribed to a Wellhub plan. Those on a free trial, paused subscription or temporarily suspended will still be considered subscribers.
💡 If the company has Global Digital Plan, Family Member or Wellhub+ add-ons, subscribers on a free trial, with a paused plan or subscriptions with limited access won't be included in the company's invoice.
Family Members |
Eligible employees' family members who t also have access to the Wellhub benefit if the company subscribes to the Family Member add-on.
Wellhub benefit usage
Definition |
Plan |
When an employee or their family member signs up to Wellhub, they can choose to subscribe to one of the plans available. Each plan gives access to a number of gyms, studios, wellbeing services, Personal Trainers and partner apps.
Free trial |
It’s a period during which a member can subscribe to a Wellhub plan for free. People on a free trial period also count as subscribers.
Plan renewal |
This is when the subscriber's subscription is renewed.
Plan upgrade |
When a subscriber activates a higher plan. For example, from Silver to Gold.
Plan downgrade |
When a subscriber activates a lower plan. For example, from Gold to Silver.
Plan pause |
Subscribers can pause their plan once every six months, and each pause can last from 15 to 30 consecutive days. Those with their plan paused still count as subscribers.
Limited access |
Subscribers will have limited access to their plan when their subscription is temporarily suspended. For example, this could happen when their subscription payment fails.
Subscription start date |
This is the day when the employee first subscribed to their current plan.
Subscription end date |
This is the day when a subscription is cancelled.
Partner |
They are the network of gyms, studios, wellbeing services, Personal Trainers and apps subscribers access when using Wellhub.
Check-ins are the way subscribers access in-person activities, live classes, and use some features on Partner Apps.
Company subscription
Definition |
Company subscription |
When a company subscribes to Wellhub, they partner with Wellhub to offer their employees access to the benefit. Wellhub Standard is the default subscription model, and Family Member, Global Digital Plan, and Wellhub+ are add-ons.
Wellhub Standard subscription |
It’s the default Wellhub company subscription. With it, all eligible employees will be able to create an account and activate a Wellhub plan.
Family Member add-on |
It’s an add-on to Wellhub Standard that allows employees to add up to 3 family members to the benefit.
Global Digital Plan subscription |
It’s an add-on to Wellhub Standard that allows companies to offer the benefit in countries where Wellhub doesn't yet offer in-person activities.
Wellhub+ subscription |
It’s an add-on to Wellhub Standard that allows companies to financially support part or all cost of plans chosen by employees.
Benefit management
Definition |
Wellhub for Companies |
This is the management platform where those responsible will manage the Wellhub benefit on behalf of their company.
Roles and permissions |
These are types of roles assigned in the Wellhub for Companies platform benefit admins. Each role gives access to a specific set of features in the platform, and only the benefit admin can add, edit or remove permissions.
Benefit admin |
Benefit admins are the people responsible for managing the Wellhub benefit in a company.
Employee list |
It’s the database with the information of all company’s employees who are eligible for the benefit. The employee list is managed by the company, and can be updated at any time on Wellhub for Companies.
Invoices, Payments & Billing
Definition |
Billing day |
The billing day is the specific date on which the invoice is generated. Up to 2 days after the billing day, this invoice will be available to check and download on Wellhub for Companies.
Billing cycle |
The billing cycle is the period of time for which Wellhub services were provided, and for which the company will be charged when the invoice is generated.
Billing history |
A section in the Billing menu on Wellhub for Companies that shows all the company invoices since subscribing to the benefit.
Due days |
The amount of days given to the company to pay a Wellhub invoice after the Billing Day.
Invoice status |
The invoice status shown in the Billing menu on Wellhub for Companies:
Open: When the billing cycle isn’t closed yet, and the invoice amount can still change.
Pending: When the billing cycle is closed, and the invoice payment is pending before the due date.
Paid: When the invoice has already been paid.
Overdue: When the due date has passed, but the invoice hasn’t been paid yet.
Cancelled: When the invoice is cancelled.
💡 The invoice payment status can take up to 15 business days to be updated in the platform.
Purchase order
A purchase order is a number that helps companies keep track of their payments for the Wellhub benefit. Purchase orders can be added to invoices on Wellhub for Companies.