To update the company’s employee list, the Wellhub for Companies admin must follow the steps according to the action they wish to perform:
- Log in to Wellhub for Companies.
- On the left menu, click on Employees, and then on Update employees in the upper right corner of the page.
- Select one or more companies to update the list, if there is more than one in the same contract.
- Click on Import from a spreadsheet, and then on Add employees.
- Read the information on how to fill out the required fields in the file and Continue.
- Upload the file and click Continue.
- Check the final number of employees displayed on the page and click Confirm and import.
💡 To add employees individually, in the Employees menu, click on Update employees, select Add one at a time, fill out their email, and confirm.
Important note
If the company has the Wellhub+ add-on and subsidises plans for a specific group of employees, it will not be possible to add them individually. In this case, it is necessary to add them by importing from a spreadsheet.
- Log in to Wellhub for Companies.
- On the left menu, click on Employees, and then on Update employees in the upper right corner of the page.
- Select one or more companies to update the list, if there is more than one in the same contract.
- Click on Import from a spreadsheet, and then on Remove employees.
- Read the information on how to fill out the required fields in the file and Continue.
- Upload the file and click Continue.
- Pay attention to the final number of employees displayed on the page and then check the box with the warning about the removal.
- Click Confirm and import.
💡 To individually remove employees from the list, in the Employees menu, select the employee you want to remove and click Remove employee.
🚨 Be cautious using this method, as it simultaneously removes and adds employees. This means that employees who are not on the new list will receive a warning about losing their eligibility immediately after it’s been sent. This action can’t be undone.
To replace the list, follow the steps:
- Log in to Wellhub for Companies.
- On the left menu, click on Employees, and then on Update employees in the upper right corner of the page.
- Select one or more companies to update the list, if there is more than one in the same contract.
- Click on Import from a spreadsheet, and then on Replace your current list.
- Carefully read the warning, check the box, and click Continue.
- Read the information on how to fill out the required fields in the file and Continue.
- Upload the file and click Continue.
Check all the employees added and removed by clicking on Employees to be added and Employees to be removed, and then on Show employees.
💡 Companies that have more than one Tax ID in the same Wellhub contract will only be able to view the final number of employees. - If all the information is correct, click Confirm and import.
📌 The monthly amount to be paid by the company may increase proportionally to the number of employees on the list, according to the contract. Learn more in this article.
It is important to keep the list of eligible employees always updated since everyone on the list will still count as an active member, even if this person no longer works in the company.