To create your in-person classes calendar, you need to use a Club Management System (CMS) integrated with Wellhub. Without a CMS, you won’t be able to create a calendar for in-person classes.
In the integrated Club Management System you can set classes dates, time, frequency, booking and cancellation windows, and more. With the integration, visitors will be able to manage the classes booked in your space via the Wellhub app.
📌 If you have questions about how to create a class schedule in your CMS, check their Help Center. Here you’ll find the pages for the most popular ones:
Important note
The cancellation window for booked classes can be set to up to 24 hours before the class starts.
Gyms, studios, and Personal Trainers that offer live online classes can create their schedule through the Partner Portal by following the next steps:
- Sign in to the Partner Portal.
- In the left menu, click on Class schedule.
- Select the unit in the upper right corner of the page, if there’s more than one, and then click on Add a class.
- Fill in the class name, select a category, and add a description.
- Complete the How to prepare field.
- Add your streaming link (limited to Zoom, Google Meet, Whereby, and Uplift).
- Select the duration of the class - it must be at least 30 minutes long.
- Choose the days of the week and times your classes will take place.
- If you are a Personal Trainer, select the maximum booking time: how far in advance users can book this class.
- Once this is done, click on Save class.
💡 You can edit or remove an existing class by simply clicking on it and selecting or editing the desired options.